This week has been a BIG week so far! On Monday I finally heard from the co-op board in New York that I’m approved for the apartment I found, and yesterday I flew down to Austin for the day to do the inspection + measure around the condo I’m moving into. I know I haven’t done a full update anywhere on here yet, but that’s because I wanted to wait until everything was confirmed! So much has been up in the air for over a month now, but I can officially say I am leaving Dallas. My Dallas house is under contract and closes on December 20th, and I will be moving my home base to Austin, but splitting my time between Austin and New York!
If you recall, I wanted to move out of Dallas back in 2019/2020 and had planned to move to Chicago. It ended up being a blessing in disguise that it didn’t happen with the pandemic. I moved into a new home in a new neighborhood and that satisfied me for awhile, but about a year ago I started yearning to leave Dallas again. I’ve been in Dallas since I attended college at SMU, which I began back in 2005 – I’ve been here almost two decades!! Crazy. Dallas has been very good to me, and I’m grateful for the many years I’ve lived here. While I have an amazing group of friends in Dallas, I haven’t exactly been happy or fulfilled in Dallas for quite some time. I think I’m just bored of it? I’m going to miss my friends terribly, but I’m excited to put down roots in my hometown and spend more time with my family – especially now that I have a nephew to spoil!
The New York apartment is going to be a fun adventure – I can’t say now whether it’s something I’ll continue to do for years to come, but why not give it a try while my life is so flexible! It’s only a one-year lease, so if I end up not loving it as much as I thought or feel like it was a huge waste of money, I don’t have to do it more than a year. So I’m going all in… life is too short! Plus, most of my friends in NYC are single and it’s an incredible place for me to be for my work! Shooting content, going to fun events, working with brands – there’s just a lot more happening in New York all of the time, and the backdrops are to die for.
PS: I launched Instagram subscriptions on Monday! I’d been toying with the idea for awhile, and decided it was the best spot for me to share exclusive content. The thing I’m most excited about is bringing back the podcast, but in video format on my Instagram subscription channel! Every week I’ll be catching you up on what’s been happening behind-the-scenes and in my personal life, like I was doing on my former podcast, Beck & Call. In addition to those weekly videos, I’m sharing everything about my new Austin condo and NYC apartment (including pre move-in tours!), you’ll get early access to shop furniture/clothing I’m selling, and more! If you visit my Instagram profile, there should be an option to subscribe! My fashion content will all continue to be free, but if you miss my podcast content and want a bigger peek behind the curtain of my personal life, you’ll love my subscription channel!