Happy Wednesday! I have just over one week left in New York, but I am excited to share I found an apartment!! The unit is in a co-op building, and while the owner of the unit thinks I’m the perfect fit, it’s up to the co-op board to approve me as a tenant. I won’t be sharing more details until I know for sure, but as you can imagine, this last week has been a bit hectic as I’ve been working on a rental checklist and collecting all of the various documents I need, filling out forms and signing agreements, and meeting with my potential landlord in person. Fingers crossed!!
I’m so so looking forward to spending way more time up here! It’s such a great place for me both socially and professionally, and this past month in New York has been an amazing preview of what’s to come. I’ll be sharing more details later on once things are confirmed, but in the meantime, I just wanted to share a little behind-the-scenes of what I’ve been working on over the last week! Stay tuned!