The act of setting positive intentions for your week can drastically change your mood and attitude. I’ve recently shared on InstaStories how going to church on Sunday has been a great way for me to reset my mind and start my week feeling good. In addition to hearing beautiful music and learning some helpful information in the sermon (definitely check out my Sunday highlights on Instagram for my favorite takeaways!), I also just enjoy the act of going: getting ready in my Sunday best, seeing other people in an inviting setting… It’s just really nice! I always leave feeling uplifted and ready to take on my next challenge. If you don’t go to church, you practice another religion or are not into religion at all, you can still set positive intentions for your week! Create a ritual of your own that evaluates the things most important to you living your best, most fulfilling life – maybe that’s meditation, maybe it’s writing in a journal. Whatever it is, set those positive intentions on Sunday so that Monday you can hit the ground running.
If you’re someone who dreads grocery shopping and cooking after a long day of work, don’t add it to your plate (sorry, had to!) in the middle of the week. Make a plan to grocery shop on Sunday and do all of your meal prep (chopping vegetables for the week, cooking the meat and storing in the fridge so you can just reheat, etc) that afternoon or evening. I always go Sunday morning after church and there’s hardly anyone at the store – it’s amazing! Doing this all on Sunday will lighten your load the rest of the week and keep your healthy routine in check.
For me this usually means getting some work done for that next week’s content and going through emails I’ve starred, but for you that might be doing laundry and tidying up your closet, reviewing your finances or taking a look at your calendar to see what you have going on that particular week. If you like sleeping in until the last possible minute, having a tidy closet with clean clothes at the ready is going to be your best defense against morning stress and running behind. If you’re traveling or have a busy week of meetings ahead, take a look at your calendar on Sunday to identify any incorrect times or areas you can be more efficient. Whatever it is, identify your most common stressors and find a way to handle them before they happen!
Take a long, hot bath. Go for a walk outside. See a movie with friends. Listen to a podcast. What relaxes us and makes us happy changes person to person, but identify activities that allow you to relax and give your mind/body a break from the day-to-day stresses that come with life, your job, etc. Make time for something you never have time to do during the week!
It can sometimes be hard to hit the hay after a fun weekend, but nothing feels worse than Monday morning on very little sleep. You’re already dragging because it’s Monday, don’t make it worse by not getting your rest! If you struggle with going to sleep at a reasonable hour here are some tips: read a book instead of watching TV, use an eye mask to shut out all light, take Melatonin (natural sleep aid you can buy at any drug store!), turn on a fan or use a white noise machine to lull you to sleep and block out noise that might be happening elsewhere in your house.