


Happy Monday! I have to say, I really like how the holiday dates lined up this year in terms of which day of the week they landed. Both Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve will have landed on Tuesday, which made the week of Christmas and week of the New Year feel like their own dedicated holiday weeks. It’s nice to feel like I have an extended break! While I’m still posting on social and working a bit here and there, I’m definitely taking advantage of most people still being out of the office all week this week. I’m in Carmel until Saturday, so I’m enjoying one last trip before getting back to the grind next week!

One thing I’m looking forward to doing next month is taking some time to go through every aspect of my business and make some tweaks. This year was a great one for me, but I feel like I’ve been struggling again with the work/life balance thing – especially with all of this going back and forth from Austin to New York! I have often felt like I’m playing catch-up 24/7, which isn’t the best since I generally prefer to have things scheduled fairly far in advance. I have some freelance help, but would love to figure out a way to comfortably delegate more tasks without feeling like I’m giving away my voice/the aesthetic of my content. I’ve found it a challenge in the past – not only because I’m a perfectionist and want things to look and sound a certain way, but also because my readers and followers are tuning in for MY content. Not someone else’s. So I’ve got to figure out a way to offload tasks that aren’t as pertinent to my style/voice!

So in January I’ll be reviewing my analytics to see what content is performing the best, tracking how much time I’m spending on various types of content + seeing where I could make adjustments to be more efficient/effective, and figuring out if there are any other tasks I’m doing myself that I could offload onto someone else without it compromising the quality of my content. It’s a great time to do this, because January is typically a fairly slow month for me – people aren’t spending or going out as much, there are less collaborations happening, etc. Hopefully by the end of the month I’ll have a plan in place to streamline my business a little more! January is always a great time to take stock of what you’ve got going on and trim the fat, if you will…

If inside baseball wasn’t what you were looking for on this Monday morning, don’t miss this look I shoot in New York before I left a couple weeks back! I actually wore this outfit to dinner when I was in Dallas at the beginning of December. The coat was a purchase I made during Shopbop’s Black Friday sale, and I’ve worn it so much already! It’s the perfect light-to-medium weight for Texas winters, and also a great one for the transitional months in New York. The wool/cashmere combo is super soft and feels very luxe too. I got this coat in an XS and it fits perfectly – the coat is slightly oversized! I’m really excited to incorporate more brown into my wardrobe, but I love how this coat looks great with black too – the black buttons make it easy to style with my favorite black basics. So chic!


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