Happy Wednesday! My mom leaves New York today after three days in the city! It was the perfect time of year for her to visit, with holiday shopping in full swing and the weather finally cool. I can’t believe I only have one more week here before heading back to Austin for my nephew’s first birthday and Thanksgiving! I’ll be back for a couple weeks in December, but I definitely am ready to make the move permanent. Every time I leave I feel like I haven’t been here long enough!
I am looking forward to a brief Dallas visit the first week of December though, to see my friends and meet Emma’s baby boy, Ziggy! After that I’m back to New York, then back to Austin for Christmas, and then I’ll be closing out the year with the family in Carmel. It’ll be a whirlwind holiday season, but aren’t they always like that?! I’ve really gotta get on it with gift shopping. I’ve purchased a few little things here and there, but definitely have some work left to do! I usually wait until Black Friday, but I feel like I always end up kicking myself for waiting – best to get this stuff done before the craziness actually begins. Be sure to keep an eye on the Holiday Guides section of my blog if you’re also needing some gifting inspo – I’m sharing new gift guides every Friday!