Can we all just agree it’s wild it’s already Thanksgiving week?! I decided to drive down to Austin earlier than I normally would, because I’ll be leaving earlier than I normally would… in case you missed it on my podcast, I’m off to Europe on Saturday! I came down to Austin on Friday so I could get in a little extra family time before the holiday and before I jet off to Copenhagen. As I mentioned last week, Texas had a major cold front move in recently and so far it shows no signs of going away. I feel like it’s never cold on Thanksgiving in Austin, so this week will be a real treat! I can actually cozy up in my fall favorites instead of wearing a lightweight blouse and jeans like previous years.
This poncho and faux leather pant combo is the outfit I’m planning to wear on Thursday, unless the forecast changes dramatically. I talked about these pants in last week’s podcast episode all about my favorite purchases from this year, but in case you missed it, they are the BEST! So so soft and comfortable – way more than any faux leather or real leather pants I’ve ever owned. They’re super cute on too! I love them so much I decided to also buy them in black. Obsessed!
If you need any last minute style inspiration, below are some cute and cozy styles that are perfect for a day of giving thanks and stuffing your face… happy shopping, turkeys!