WOW, this week has already been one hell of a doozy! If you have already listened to this week’s podcast episode, you’ll know my laptop crapped out on me while I was in Charleston last week. While I am grateful to have Liza’s laptop as a back-up (she has a computer she can use at home!), I’d forgotten her laptop doesn’t have all of my podcast files on it and the software wasn’t programmed properly the way my laptop is… leading to a slightly stressful and more labor intensive Monday, and technical issues on the podcast on Tuesday! Luckily we figured it all out yesterday, but let’s just say my week got off to a bit of a rough start.
But I really can’t complain after such a fun week in Charleston! I did a comprehensive recap of our trip on the podcast this week, and I’ve also updated my city guide if you’re planning a trip there soon.
PS: there’s a new giveaway on the podcast this week for a $250 Sephora gift card! Listen to the episode for all the details on how to enter!