The large gold floor mirror I ordered from Arhaus gets delivered next week!! It’s one of the finishing touches I need to complete my guest bedroom, and I can’t wait for it to arrive. I managed to snag it on major sale last month, and really all that’s left to do is decide on a headboard style/look. I’m still torn on whether to do a print or solid, but I do think the space needs a different shape than what’s in there now. Too many rectangles and right angles happening!
I’m still planning on redecorating my master bedroom, but I’m going to wait a few months to order anything. I’d rather wait until Reeses is fully potty-trained and not chewing everything in sight! In the meantime I’m perusing Pinterest a lot for ideas/inspo, and also scouting out pieces at a ton of different home retailers. While investigating what Target had in stock, I discovered a ton of gorgeous items for a ton of different home spaces. I rounded up some of my living room favorites in the collage above, but you’ll find a bunch of other ideas for your bedroom and other home spaces in the widget below!
shop more target finds below!
PS: my Peloton finally gets delivered today!!!!!!!!!!! Can’t wait to start using it. I will for sure report back and do a full review after using it for a few weeks, so stay tuned!