Howdy from Chicago! Since I’ve nearly been here a week, I thought it might be fun to provide a little update on this latest visit. On my first night back in the city I joined my friend Kate on stage at her Be There In Five Live podcast show! It was so exciting getting to see her on stage (she’s such a natural!) and join her for a few minutes to talk about the royals. I had so much fun at the show and after party… so much so that I didn’t feel too great on Friday!
Friday morning I woke up early to shoot some outfits with Melissa around The Langham (where I stayed over the weekend!), had a room service lunch and toured a few apartments in the Gold Coast/Old Town area. In case you missed it, I’m probably moving to Chicago! More on that later, but it’s something I’ve been talking about a ton on Instagram Stories ever since I visited in August. But back to The Langham! I decided to treat myself to a few night’s stay at this luxe Chicago hotel before moving over to an AirBnB for the rest of my trip. In addition to staying at the hotel, I also hosted my first Chicago reader meet-up in the Travelle lounge at The Langham! The event was a major success and was such a warm welcome to the city, so thank you to everyone who came! It was such an amazing turnout and I thoroughly enjoyed chatting with each of you about Chicago life.
On Sunday I enjoyed an afternoon at the Art Institute to see the Andy Warhol exhibit (it was the last day!), and then moved my stuff from The Langham over to my AirBnB. The last couple of days has been spent touring more apartments, grabbing dinner with friends and yesterday I recorded with Kate again for her podcast! This time we chatted debutantes, sororities and royals – trust me, it’s a good one. Today is pretty open aside from one apartment tour and dinner, so I’m hoping to get some work done at my AirBnB!
I’ve got some additional fun dinners and nights out planned later this week/weekend, and then will be heading home on Sunday just ahead of the Super Bowl. This week has been such a great intro to the city and has definitely given me lots to think about in terms of neighborhoods I might want to live in! I still have quite a to-do list to work through before I can move (selling my house, for one!), but this trip has given me the inspiration and motivation I need to get it all done as soon as possible. I am so ready for a change!
PS: I’ve received a number of requests to put together a blog post on my Chicago apartment findings/favorites, so I’ll be working on that for next week! Tomorrow I’ll be touring apartments in Lincoln Park, and after that I think I’ll have a much better picture of where I want to be/live. Stay tuned…!