After sharing the circuits on InstaStories, I received numerous requests to share the workouts I did in my AirBnBs in Switzerland on my blog. Since InstaStories only last 24 hours, having it in a blog post will allow you to access these workouts 24/7, no matter where you’re going!
I created the following circuits based on the exercises I have picked up from doing BBG over the last two years. If you haven’t heard about it or want more info, definitely check out this post I did awhile back! I share all of the equipment I purchased to do the BBG workouts at home, what my typical exercise schedule/routine is, and more about the program itself. After trying various workout classes over the years, I found BBG to be the most effective in a short amount of time and it’s also been the easiest for me to stick to long term! The workouts are different every single day, so you don’t get burned out doing the same things over and over again.
I never miss a day of BBG – no matter where I am or what I’m doing, I always fit it in! Whether I have equipment or not! That includes my most recent trip to Switzerland when I stayed exclusively in AirBnBs with zero access to a gym. I didn’t have any equipment and very little space to do much, so I created a few circuits that could be done in a situation like this. Here’s what I came up with! Try these workouts on your next work trip or vacation, or even just at home if you’re interested to see what the BBG program is like. If you’re unsure what any of these moves are, you can find videos, tutorials and more by Googling the name!
The goal of these workouts is to get and keep your heart rate up the entire time. The workouts are separated by body parts, so ideally you would do leg day on the first day, arm day on the second day and ab day on the third day – for me, that meant Monday, Wednesday and Friday, but choose a schedule that works best for you!
Set a timer on your phone for seven minutes and do Circuit One as many times as you can in those seven minutes. Once the timer runs out, reset the clock for seven minutes and do Circuit Two as many times as you can in those seven minutes. Once the timer runs out, take a 1-2 minute break for water and to catch your breath.
Once you’ve rested, repeat Circuit One and Circuit Two in the same manner as you did above! If you follow the instructions and time yourself, you will get an amazing heart-pounding workout in just 30 minutes.
40 squats
40 stationery lunges
40 curtsy lunges
30 lunge to knee lifts
30 side lunges
30 donkey kicks
30 clam shells
50 crab walks
30 Plank to toe touches (15 each side)
15 Decline pushups
20 Tricep dips
1 minute plank
30 Commandos (15 each side)
40 Plank shoulder taps (20 each side)
40 X mountain climbers (20 each side)
15 Lay down pushups
30 Plank to toe touches (15 each side)
60 Ab bikes (30 each side)
40 X mountain climbers (20 each side)
30 Bent knee sit ups
30 Toe taps
40 Side slaps (20 each side)
40 Side crunches on side (20 each side)
40 Side crunches on back (20 each side)
*Please note I am not a fitness professional – consult a doctor before performing any of these moves and do them at your own risk.