One question I get a lot from followers on Instagram is “how do you get such a high score in a FlyWheel class?!”, so I thought I’d share a few tips that have helped me achieve more power points in each class. Obviously not every day is the same – some days my score sucks! In the end, it’s really all about getting yourself to class and completing it. With that said, if you’re competitive like I am and also like to see your performance improve, these five tips may help you reach that score you’ve been wanting for awhile!
Whether you take your classes first thing in the AM or right after work, make sure you’ve had something to eat that’ll give you the energy you need to get through such a rigorous workout. Lately I’ve been loving these MammaChia Chia Squeeze snacks. They don’t fill you up too much (key for bouncing on a bike), but chia seeds give me SO much energy! I prefer to eat them cold, but you can definitely just keep them in your purse or gym back for a post-work, pre-workout snack.
The classes I go to start at 8:30am, and I’ll get there at 8:15 so I can get my stuff put in a locker, go to the bathroom and then get set up on my bike. This gives me about 5-7 minutes to just get my legs moving and warmed up on the bike before class begins! That way when class starts, I can go all in as opposed to warming up during the first two songs like the rest of the class.
The easiest (or hardest, depending on how you look at it) way to increase your power number and final score is by piling on more resistance. The instructor will always give you a range where you should put your Torq for each song, so if you want more points try the highest number of the range! I can’t always do super high Torq on fast songs, but the second a slower song comes on I really pile on that resistance… often going much higher than the instructor asks for.
Each class features an arms segment, usually the 3rd to last song of class. Since I do a lot of arm workouts in BBG and with my trainer, I usually skip the arm segment in FlyWheel and just make up my own little routine for that song. This is an opportunity for me to use a higher Torq than everyone in class, and I can generally go faster because I’m not focused on the arm workout. It’s a great way to add in some extra power points before the end of class!
This last tip definitely makes a difference! The more I go, the better my total score. When I come back from traveling or taking several days off, my score suffers a bit. Consistency is key with any workout, but if you’re working up to a specific number at FlyWheel I’d suggest going multiple times a week! Your body gets stronger with each class and you’ll be amazed at what numbers you can hit when you go a lot.