Happy Tuesday! I did something suuuuuuuper impulsive and last minute yesterday. My friend Rachel is coming in town today and leaving tomorrow for NYFW, and she convinced me to go with her! I had no intention of going this season, but I don’t get to see her very often and who can pass up a free hotel room?! The flight round trip on American was only $220, which made my jaw drop all the way to the floor. Maybe because it is so last minute? Who cares. I’m so excited, although not at all prepared! I’m only going to one presentation on Friday, so I’ll mostly just be there to hang out and catch up with Rachel, eat and shop. Sounds pretty great to me!
I’m packing a lot of the same outfits I wore in December. You guys have seen them all before, but nobody else has! Tune into my InstaStories and SnapChat to follow along!