Shocker! I’m back with something else blush. I picked up this tee on sale at Neiman’s a few weeks back. It’s the perfect shade of pale pink and is a comfortable, laid-back option for those casual summer nights.
As you know, I’m stocking up on easy, versatile basics that can be transformed with just a change of accessories – this will allow me to wear a lot of the same pieces over and over again while I’m abroad without getting bored with my look! This tee is a perfect example of that. My goal is to take only three large suitcases, my laptop/camera case, and one luggage carry-on (to carry my most prized possessions – aka, my handbags).
That means I’m really going to have to downsize and keep it simple. I’ll be taking mostly solid pieces (with a few stripes and leopard prints here and there) and practically all neutrals. That’s what I wear day-to-day, after all! These Jimmy Choo wedges are another great travel staple, especially for wandering around Europe. Take it from me, it ain’t easy walking down cute cobblestone streets in stilettos.