Grilled salmon over pesto cauliflower rice, with sauteed zucchini + mushrooms Grilled chicken over spaghetti squash marinara, with boiled broccoli
As promised, here is another roundup of recipes I’ve been making for meal prep on Sunday! These recipes are super easy, healthy and still taste great days later. One thing I’ve been repeating a bunch is the Pesto Cauliflower Rice, so definitely don’t miss that one!! Stay tuned for another roundup of recipes next month…
INGREDIENTS: 1 package of Cece’s Veggie Co cauliflower rice, about half a package of Le Grand Garden Pesto (or make your own!), 2 tablespoons of olive oil, salt (to taste)
DIRECTIONS: Add olive oil to large saute pan and heat to medium-high heat. Add cauliflower rice and sautee for 3-4 minutes until cooked through and beginning to brown. Pour pesto over cauliflower rice and mix until rice in coated. Season with salt and/or grated parmesan cheese, and then top with grilled salmon, chicken or whatever protein you like!
INGREDIENTS: 2 large zucchinis (rinsed and sliced into 1/2 inch rounds), 1 8oz package of Baby Bella mushrooms, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 2 tablespoons of chili oil. Use Cholula, salt and pepper to taste!
DIRECTIONS: Heat olive and chili oil in a saute pan at medium-high heat. Add zucchini rounds and cook until each side of round is starting to look brown and crispy. Add salt and pepper, and a little Cholula (if you want!), and mix again before removing from heat. Use tongs to remove the zucchinis from the pan and place directly into portion control container, leaving the leftover oil in the pan for the mushrooms. Reheat the oil in the pan to medium-high heat. Add the entire package of mushrooms to the pan, coating with the oil. Sautee until tender, adding salt and pepper to season. Remove from heat using tongs and place next to zucchini in the portion control container!
INGREDIENTS: 1 medium spaghetti squash, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 1 cup of marinara (I love Cucina Antica!), salt and pepper to taste.
DIRECTIONS: Heat your oven to 450. Cut spaghetti squash longways with a large knife to make two long halves (be careful!). Once separated, use a spoon to scoop out seeds (throw these in the trash). Using a brush, lather the entire exposed flesh with olive oil until coated. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Place both half flesh face down in a pan and roast for 30-40 minutes or until the outside skin is soft (touch it with a fork to test!). Once squash is cooked, remove from oven and let cool a few minutes. While it’s cooling, heat up the marinara in a small saucepan or in the microwave. Next, drag a fork across the flesh of the spaghetti squash – at this point it should start looking like spaghetti! Scoop out the flesh into a big bowl and then add the marinara. Stir until spaghetti squash is fully coated, and season with salt and pepper! You can also add some grated parmesan or chopped basil for added flavor.
INGREDIENTS: 1-2 heads of broccoli, salt.
DIRECTIONS: Fill a large saucepan or pot with water, add salt and heat to a boil. Carefully add in chopped broccoli, making sure all is submerged. Boil broccoli for 3 or so minutes until tender (test with a fork). Once cooked, remove from heat and drain broccoli + water into a colander in the sink.